Individuals, organizations, agencies and other businesses can become MEMBERS of our association. However, membership in the INA does NOT certify, approve, accept, sanction, credential, accredit, endorse, license, or authorized you in any way.
INA membership will in no way help individuals obtain a visa to the ,CANADA, US or any other country nor will it help companies gain a visa or immigration for their nannies to another country
Organizations and agencies are prohibited from awarding certificates to any individual who has completed the INA Nanny Basic Skills Assessment or INA Nanny Credential Exam. Completing either exam does NOT provide any individual with an automatic membership to INA.
Anyone found to be participating in any of the actions above, whether through verbal conversation, through advertising, or any other way will be removed from the INA membership. INA indemnifies itself from any legal proceedings based on a member’s wrongdoing. Choose Your Package Link & Signup your organization and fill the form and make the payment.